Support the Teachers Support the Children
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Who We Are
Teachers’ Pantry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, located in Lewisville, Texas that helps North Texas public school teachers with their out-of-pocket school supply and material expenses. We receive these supplies and materials from our very generous personal and business donors and then redistribute them to our teachers free of charge. We are 100% volunteer organized and operated so our overhead stays extremely low.
How to Help
Simply put. Volunteer and donate. We are always in need of new, unopened school supplies. If you are unable to donate school supply, a monetary donation is just as helpful as it pays for our low overhead expenses. If you prefer, you can always start your own school supply drive and gather needed school supplies and materials from your friends and neighbors. If you have an awesome idea or how to help, we would love to hear from you!
Are you a teacher? Can you use some help?